At East Side Vision Center, our philosophy is simple.
Listen to the patient…
As a family vision center, we offer comprehensive eye examinations and a full service optical. We are centrally located in the heart of Pompano Beach and have served the East Broward community for 24 years.
Your comprehensive eye exam is where it all begins. After careful examination of the health of your eyes, your optical prescription is determined- that is how light focuses on your retina. Our goal for you as our patient is that you have healthy eyes, see with the best clarity, and that you become “visually efficient”. That means in your everyday, possibly very complicated life, you never have to think about your eyes or your vision because everything just works right. Vision is as clear as possible using the newest optical lens technology. Your eyeglass frames fit well and are stylish and your contact lenses are comfortable and provide for you a functional alternative to spectacles. We do not believe in the “good enough” philosophy. Nass, Viktoria, and I strive to get it right for everyone, and to come up with solutions tailored for each individual.

Our Optical Services

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